Sat, 12 Apr 2003 06:21:40 EDT

Greetings all, 
    Just got the following,thought it may be of some interest to those of us 
that really don't care for the world to get TOO much access to us...... 



> >There is a new feature that makes it possible to type a telephone number

>into Google's search bar, click the search button, and have a MapQuest page

>returned as a result.


>Go to then type in your phone number. See how 


>the map is.... linked to your phone number. Any person wishing to discover

>the physical location of a phone number, be it a home or business address,

>could use this feature to locate a physical street address, and receive

>explicit directions on how to get there from anywhere in the country. One

>positive use of this feature could be to determine the location of, say, an

>party for whom you may only have a telephone number.


>On a negative note, this feature could also be used by an angry party to 


>out where you live. Google has made available an option that will allow

>anyone to remove their telephone number from the database that is linked to

>the mapping feature. You will first need to check if your number is listed 


>this manner by attempting a search - entering your full telephone number

>separated by dashes (e.g., 404-524-5811). If the number appears in the

>mapping database, an icon resembling a telephone will appear next to the

>first or second entry on the results page. Clicking on this icon will take

>you to a page containing a description of the service, and a link to 


>your number be removed from the database.

Ed Foote RPT

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