Killer Octave Question

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 19:33:37 -0500

> >> > John,
> >> > How then does this correlate with the number of new Steinways we see
> >> > (often enough on the showroom floor) with concave crown in the killer
> >> > octave? It seems to me that if a crowned bridge is supporting
> >> soundboard
> >> > crown and making it last longer, there ought to be soundboard crown to
> >> > show for it. Especially in a new piano.
>My answer in short is:
>We see these problems because of a lack of craftsmanship not necessarily 
>because crowning the bridges doesn't work. I don't know if it really helps 
>or not but if it doesn't help it is not an explanation for why the pianos 
>made today have these problems. I also tried to explain why there is a 
>lack of craftsmanship today.

That was it? What, please, is the difference between craftsmanship in 
soundboard building as practiced by you and by Steinway that would make 
your crowned bridges hold up the soundboard crown where Steinway's don't?

Ron N

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