Killer Octave Question

Greg Newell
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 23:09:17 -0400

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         Does Stephen have a web site wherein we could check out his ideas.
         BTW I have been meaning to write and tell you how very much I 
enjoy the Rachmoninoff "Lilacs" CD with Scott Davies and the incomparable 
Overs Piano , 225 (No.3). I've never heard anything like it. The clarity 
and full, round, beautiful tone throughout the scale is fantastic! There 
are several spots that show off the action repetition quite nicely as well. 
Well done sir!! Well Done!!!

Greg Newell

At 10:58 PM 4/12/2003, you wrote:

>And my short response is; I'm afraid I cannot share your view that there 
>"is a lack of craftsmanship today". Just as in days past, today there are 
>many examples of sloppy craftsmanship and somewhat less examples of fine 
>I suspect you may need to widen your sample base, perhaps a little wider 
>than New York, to find present day examples of fine workmanship. Believe 
>me it does exist, but not perhaps from the same hallowed halls of a 
>century ago. For example, check out the workmanship of Stephen Paulello 
>(the French piano maker). Stephen built his own concert grand in the early 
>90's. Its a fine piece of work and not just a clone of what's gone before.
>Ron O.
>Grand Piano Manufacturers
>pianotech list info:

Greg Newell 

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