
Clyde Hollinger
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 06:38:47 -0400

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Do you have the current catalog from Schaff Piano Supply?  You can see
the broach kit on page 71.  It costs about US $21 plus shipping.  Since
I consider that to be a pretty modest price, your better choice may be
to just buy them.  I know, though, that some technicians enjoy making
their own tools.  I am not that type of person.

The one tool can do both jobs because it is mostly smooth to burnish,
except for a small section of the wire close to the handle, which is
roughened just enough to ream.  If you don't want to ream, just don't
push the broach into the center pin bushing that far.

Clyde Hollinger, RPT

Isaac OLEG wrote:

> I don't  understand how you can obtain a tool that is at the same time
> a reamer and a burnishes.

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