Prior Planning ...

Conrad Hoffsommer
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 10:37:45 -0500

At 10:19 4/15/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>How is it that so many churches never think about their piano until 3 or 4
>days before Christmas or Easter and then call in a panic?
>I love the conversations that start with "I called the guy we've been using
>but he can't come this week."
>"Yeah? Well, fortunately, I'm just here lounging by the pool. Be right over
>Alan Barnard
>Salem, MO

Yup, it happens.

I got a call last week.  Three church plus the pastor's home - could you do 
by Easter?

As it turns out, Good Friday was open.  Yes, can I book them?

How much? (it's been about 5 years since they called me - somebody else has 
been doing them)

$xx.00 each.

Any discount for the church pianos?

No.  [I happen to feel that I do just as much, and many times _more_ to a 
church piano, why should I get paid less?]

I'll have to ask church council.

{I'm still waiting breathlessly by the phone} ;-}

Looking forward to a day off............

Conrad Hoffsommer PTG RPT, MPT, CCT
Decorah, IA

Certified Calibration Technician (CCT) for Bio-powered Digitally Activated 
Lever Action Tone Generation Systems

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