Prior Planning ...

Z! Reinhardt
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 20:28:14 -0400

The only way around this I've found is to set up the Easter appointments
while you're doing the Christmas service calls.  If you're willing to gamble
your time a little, you can leave holes in your schedule in the week or so
before Easter with the idea of filling those holes with church calls as they
come in.

Charge extra for the panic calls, then inform them that if they want you at
your normal rate, they'll have to make the appointment at least 10 business
days in advance, possibly 15 business days in advance of religious holidays.

Z! Reinhardt  RPT
Ann Arbor  MI

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Pianotech" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:19 AM
Subject: Prior Planning ...

: How is it that so many churches never think about their piano until 3 or 4
: days before Christmas or Easter and then call in a panic?
: I love the conversations that start with "I called the guy we've been
: but he can't come this week."
: "Yeah? Well, fortunately, I'm just here lounging by the pool. Be right
: ..."
: Sheesh.
: Alan Barnard
: Salem, MO

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