Worth it? was Baldwin warrantee

Dave Davis davistunes@yahoo.com
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 07:41:39 -0700 (PDT)

Dave, Mike, etc.

When I started learning this biz, there was much
encouragement to do floor tunings to gain experience
and expertise.  The dealers I've approached seem to be
inundated with experienced techs and don't want to
mess around with less-experienced types.

I've landed a 1-2 day a week job working in a
rebuilding/refinishing shop, so my repair and
stripping/sanding skills are florishing.  My tuning
skills are slowly getting better, too, but not nearly
as fast as if I were tuning 20 pianos/wk, instead of
the 5/wk that I'm doing.  However, my customers are
satisfied and often refer me.

As a result, I've pretty much decided that dealer work
will not be a part of my business any time in the
future.  Working for people that want to pay less for
more just isn't my cup o' tea.  (too many years as an
independent trucker, I guess).

Just my cynical take,

Dave Davis
Renton, WA

--- Mike  Spalding <mjbkspal@execpc.com> wrote:
> I only do occasional dealer work, mostly floor
> tunings.  I have found that their expectations for
> the tuning quality are in line with what they are
> willing to pay; 

  But if you're looking
> for a low-risk setting for working on your speed and
> efficiency, dealer floor tunings is a great learning
> opportunity.  For me, at this early stage of my
> career, it's a good deal to spend a morning
> practicing fast tunings, and get paid the equivalent
> of 2 in-home tunings.
>   The thing that gets me is when certain dealers
> have a floor piano that is 20-30% flat/sharp.  "Just
> tune it," they might say, not understanding the
> concept of a pitch raise no matter how many times I
> explain it or how many copies of the PTG Technical
> Bulletin I give them.  Most of them seem to be only
> concerned with getting the pianos out the door, and
> not with how the pianos function once they are in
> the home.  And despite efforts by the better techs
> to educate them, they  choose to remain ignorant.   

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