Worth it? was Baldwin warrantee

Mike Spalding mjbkspal@execpc.com
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 08:23:40 -0500

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I only do occasional dealer work, mostly floor tunings.  I have found =
that their expectations for the tuning quality are in line with what =
they are willing to pay; i.e. I've never been called back for a couple =
of wavering unisons, or for questionable octaves over the tenor break.  =
Therefore, if it's within 30 cents or so, I can do a one-pass RCT =
pitchraise taking the time to set pins, then tweak and settle the =
unisons, and still have time for a squeaky pedal or a little key easing, =
all in about an hour.  And, as I've admitted here before, I'm not one of =
your bionic tuners.  But if you're looking for a low-risk setting for =
working on your speed and efficiency, dealer floor tunings is a great =
learning opportunity.  For me, at this early stage of my career, it's a =
good deal to spend a morning practicing fast tunings, and get paid the =
equivalent of 2 in-home tunings.


Mike Spalding RPT
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Piannaman@aol.com=20
  To: pianotech@ptg.org=20
  Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:57 AM
  Subject: Re: Worth it? was Baldwin warrantee

  The thing that gets me is when certain dealers have a floor piano that =
is 20-30% flat/sharp.  "Just tune it," they might say, not understanding =
the concept of a pitch raise no matter how many times I explain it or =
how many copies of the PTG Technical Bulletin I give them.  Most of them =
seem to be only concerned with getting the pianos out the door, and not =
with how the pianos function once they are in the home.  And despite =
efforts by the better techs to educate them, they  choose to remain =
ignorant.  =20

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