Dealership work

Phil Bondi
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 11:09:06 -0400

Ok..I've read most of the posts regarding this current subject, and I want
to chime in on it..

Yesterday was my 7th year aniversary in the business, and that day, April
15, is special not because it was the first day of business for is
special because it was the first day I started doing contract work for a
dealership here that I STILL do contract work for today, and will continue
to do work for until it isn't feasible for either one of us.

When I was hired to do this work, this dealer said to me, and I quote:

"In 3-4 years, you'll be busy enough where you won't have time to do my work

Yes, I am busier than the 1-armed paperhanger in a hurricane, but I still
make time to do this dealer's work, at reduced rates..why?

1. We have an understanding about his floor work and his Warranty
Tunings..the floor will have to wait if I have the opportunity to double my
income instead.

2. He really is a nice person.

3. See #'s 1&2.

This dealer got me going in a big way 7 years ago, and I am eternally
grateful..he's happy to have me, and I'm happy to work with him.


We should all be that lucky.

-Phil Bondi (Fl.)

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