Dealership work

Avery Todd
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 15:18:47 -0500


I agree. Even though "my" dealer didn't help me get started, he treats me
royally! I'll work for him as long as he still wants me!


At 11:09 AM 04/16/03 -0400, you wrote:
>Ok..I've read most of the posts regarding this current subject, and I want
>to chime in on it..
>Yesterday was my 7th year aniversary in the business, and that day, April
>15, is special not because it was the first day of business for is
>special because it was the first day I started doing contract work for a
>dealership here that I STILL do contract work for today, and will continue
>to do work for until it isn't feasible for either one of us.
>When I was hired to do this work, this dealer said to me, and I quote:
>"In 3-4 years, you'll be busy enough where you won't have time to do my work
>Yes, I am busier than the 1-armed paperhanger in a hurricane, but I still
>make time to do this dealer's work, at reduced rates..why?
>1. We have an understanding about his floor work and his Warranty
>Tunings..the floor will have to wait if I have the opportunity to double my
>income instead.
>2. He really is a nice person.
>3. See #'s 1&2.
>This dealer got me going in a big way 7 years ago, and I am eternally
>grateful..he's happy to have me, and I'm happy to work with him.
>We should all be that lucky.
>-Phil Bondi (Fl.)
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