Worth it? was Baldwin warrantee

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 15:09:20 -0500

>        Regarding Baldwin and Baldwin dealers: I have had a 30 year 
> business relationship with our local Baldwin dealer and have always been 
> impressed with the way he treats the customers.

The dealer I do some work for is the same way!

>Realizing that the technician is a "necessary evil," he has almost always 
>taken my recommendation on what is needed with piano problems and when 
>Gibson/Baldwin has bailed out on warrantee stuff, he covers it himself, 
>not wanting his word-of-mouth reputation being trashed. (Baldwin used to 
>be really good about covering these things, I hope Gibson will be as 
>concientious about their own product.)

I doubt it, unless it's a guitar, of course! :-)

>BTW, although our South Bend Baldwin dealer re-upped with Baldwin, his 
>main line is now Yamaha. Once burned, twice wise, I guess.

My dealer also has Yamahas! He even pays me a fair price to "prep" the 
pianos! :-)
Even Yamaha!


>John Stroup

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