Bridge Pressure Bar

Wed, 16 Apr 2003 19:54:23


I have tuned a very few "straight strung* pianos and I have always felt
they sounded "sweeter" than over strung. I wonder if cross stringing
introduces interference (noise) in some manner.

At 01:33 AM 4/17/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>>"I may have missed this but why was it scrapped? Could you describe the
>kind of sound it had before you did?"
>>Greg Newell
> " Are the soundboard panels and ribs spruce?  Is the bridge maple?  What
>are the pins I see sticking up from the bridge in the soundboard photo?  I
>don't notice them in the bridge photo.  As best I can tell it looks as if
>the grain of the panels is running horizontal (parallel to the floor on an
>upright).  Is that correct?  It also looks as if the ribs are running
>vertical.  I assume that the ribs that you are talking about are the pieces
>internal to the soundboard and that there are no external ribs. "
>      The answers to your queries are all yes, except those pins you noticed
>are actually the hitch pins on the frame.
>> "Did you hear this piano played? "
>>Phil F
>Yes. I actually quite liked the sound, mainly because it was very different
>from a normal piano sound. Hard to describe the sound, but sort of sweet.
>Plenty of sustain. The piano was very small though, so one couldn't really
>judge it compared with a conventional size piano. It was 1m high and the
>keyboard was only 6 octaves, F to F. I Couldn't really test the power
>because of the type of keyboard it used, and it was a semi-tone down in
>pitch because the wrestplank (32 ply) was , say, sagging and wouldn't take
>the strain; it was these factors that prompted the decision to put it out of
>it's misery and send it to piano heaven. BTW it was also straight strung!
>The piano is a Mahler, made in County Clare, Ireland. It used an action and
>keyboard that Lindener/Rippen used in the 70's, but it was not a Lindener.
>LIndener did not use a pressure bar on the bridge and also used a
>conventional soundboard.
>Alan Forsyth
>"Have lever, will tune piano; have pitch fork, will.............toss hay!"
>from the forthcoming book, "A Day in the Life of a Piano Tuner" by yours
>pianotech list info:

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T.

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