damper springs

Warren Fisher fishwar@earthlink.net
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 21:03:28 -0500

The spoons on the wippen keep the heads off the strings when there is no 
felt there.  Pull several of them toward you and see if they snap back 
smartly.  If so, leave them alone.   The real test is when you put new 
felt on.  The damper should be tight enoungh not to ring. If any of the 
heads are way out of line with the others, you may want to adjust the 
spoons to get them in the ball park.
Warren Fisher

Paul Mulik wrote:

>One quick question from a beginning rebuilder:
>I've removed the damper felts from an upright action but left the heads in
>place for now.  When I reinstalled the action in the piano, the heads did
>not touch the strings.  Is this an indication that the springs should be
>replaced?  It seems to me that they should be strong enough to hold the
>damper heads to the strings even without felts on them.
>Paul Mulik
>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

Warren Fisher- RPT Retired, Navy Retired, Slidell, Louisiana
<fishwarr@netzero.com>(After May 4th)

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