damper springs

Tom Driscoll tomtuner@attbi.com
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 22:11:55 -0400

Subject: damper springs

One quick question from a beginning rebuilder:

I've removed the damper felts from an upright action but left the heads
place for now.  When I reinstalled the action in the piano, the heads
not touch the strings.  Is this an indication that the springs should be
replaced?  It seems to me that they should be strong enough to hold the
damper heads to the strings even without felts on them.

Paul Mulik

	Maybe. Test the spring strength of the levers and decide. The
spoons or the damper rod could be contacting the levers and holding the
heads off the strings.
	If you do replace damper lever springs be careful not to make
them too strong. Along with early damper lift, heavy springs can make an
action play like a truck. I remember thinking that if light springs were
good the heavy ones must be better. Wrong. 
	Del has written about adding weight to the heads and or wires to
increase efficiency. Check the archives and journal.
	Best wishes
	Tom Driscoll RPT 

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