Fingernail polish on keytops
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 00:32:03 EDT

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In a message dated 4/16/2003 8:18:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> I have used mild polishing compound from auto supply houses to remove all 
> sorts of marks (especially fingernail polish) from keytops.  Takes just a 
> few minutes of determined rubbing and hand buffing.

Hi Don,

Whenever I have to resort to any kind of polishing compound on keytops, I 
discuss with the customer ahead of time the possibility they may want me to 
polish the whole set to return a uniform appearance. Buffed keytops sometimes 
just can't be made to look the same as the original cast keytop, although 
with the really fine stuff it comes pretty close. Doing the whole set does 
add to the time, but it wasn't I who put the fingernail polish on the key!

Bob Davis

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