Anyone need a job?

Benny L. Tucker
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 18:19:09 -0400

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Now here's a guy that really has to work on a POS, uhhhh I mean PSO.

Benny L. Tucker
Yamaha Factory Tuner
Precision Piano Tuning & Repair
Thomaston, Ga.

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 5:25 PM
  Subject: Anyone need a job?

  Hi List:
  The local hospital has four pianos which I have been servicing =
regularly for a number of years. One grand old upright in the extended =
care terminally ill lock-in area, had an old alzheimer-afflicted =
patient, who was in a hurry to get to the toilet, mistook the keybed for =
a toilet seat, and defecated all over it.=20
  I'm booked every day until next week. They have offered me unlimited =
budget. I haven't seen it yet. I have warned not to put water on it. =
They also will supply rubber gloves, white coat, and face mask.
  In 25 years in the piano industry, this is the worst yet.=20
  Happy Easter, list.
  Kenny Finlayson, RPT

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