Soundboard replacement

Alan Forsyth
Fri, 18 Apr 2003 00:03:51 +0100

Your post is interesting; this is what I was trying to get at in my original
post concerning restoring of crown in old soundboards in which I mentioned
that a 100 year old Steinway had been sent back to the factory in Hamburg
for restoration and they shimmed the soundboard instead of replacing it. I
spoke to the dealer yesterday who  has this piano and he said that in the 30
years that he has been in the trade he has found that retaining the original
soundboard leads to far better results than installing a new one. Apparently
Steinway themselves seem to think so as well. The original board in this
particular piano had about 50 cracks in it and you could see the floor
through them. It now sounds much better than a brand new Steinway (same
model) standing right next to it on the showroom floor.

Alan Forsyth

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