No killer octave here

David Skolnik
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 23:03:15 -0400

Hi Del -
I'm wondering whether to expect a response from Robin Hufford any time 
soon. I wasn't sure that one ever got settled either, at least with a 
"blow'um out of the water" arguement.  I had always expected that the 
subject would be revisited when tempers had cooled.  Perhaps they're still 

David Skolnik

At 04:18 PM 4/13/2003 -0700, Del wrote:

>Energy from the strings is "transferred over a greater area of the bridge"
>by virture of the bridge being set in physical motion by the vibrating
>energy in the strings. Because of this motion both the soundboard and the
>other strings in the vicinity are also set in motion.

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