S&S voicing

Roger Jolly roger.j@sasktel.net
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 21:03:57 -0600

Hi Paul,
              Straight down the throat.   <G>   Needle about 1mm straight 
into the strike point.
Go Easy until you get the feel for it.
regards Roger

At 09:30 PM 4/17/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>List members
>I tuned a S&S M  Ser # 260740, that the owner wanted voiced so the sound was
>not so "hard."  After some conversation, it was determined that he wanted
>its tone to be darker for accompaning vocalists.  It is a bright piano, has
>original S&S hammers that have been shaped recently.  Action is regulated
>and plays well.  I am looking for an efficient way to darken the tone-voice
>down the sound.  How does one go about this with these hammers?
>Thanks for your replies.
>Paul C
>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

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