Anyone need a job?

Ken Jankura
Fri, 18 Apr 2003 20:11:11 -0400

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Subject: Re: Anyone need a job?

  Talk about a real crappy job, this one hits the fan!   It could prove =
to be a pile of work.  I'd say that urine for some trouble.  I hope it =
doesn't turn out to be a smear campaign.  Before you take the big plunge =
have the hindsight to bring along some professional strength "liquid =
tuner".  If you see the guy who did it I'd suggest giving him a good =
wippen.  What a squatter!  I guess you might say that his performance =
really stinks.  Of course that would explain his wanting to practice =
tinkling on the ivories.  I suppose as long as it all came out in the =
end.  Maybe he just prefers a stool over a piano bench.  Well it sounds =
like you've got a leg up on things but I'm glad you gave us the scoop.  =
By the way, if some of the keys don't work you might want to try giving =
them a little "jiggle".

  Is this getting to be a little too much to digest?

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