market value
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 17:16:16 EDT

Ron writes: 
<<  What's the very approximate market value 
for an original condition (un abused by anything but a Pianodisc 
installation) 1975 New York Steinway D (Teflon action), and the equally 
very approximate value of the same piano competently rebuilt with new 
action, pinblock, soundboard, etc. No refinish.<< ]

  The "value" is what they are selling for, and that can certainly change 
with the fortunes of war or dotcom, so I will just relate a very recent sale 
that may be used for comparison.  
    A Steinway D, (1970) in that same condition was sold for $24,000.  Funky 
finish but a usable action that had been replaced by Steinway and Sons in 
1990.  It had worn hammers but everything was there.  Buyers are happy, ready 
to spend a grand to shape, travel, regulate, level, tune,(Broadwoods),  minor 
pinning attention. 
  Buyers happy, seller was a little chagrined that that is all it brought.  
   The completely restored D should be worth more, depends on the quality of 
the rebuild.  I have seen too many poorly built or installed soundboards to 
guess at a figure, but I know of one such job that sold for the same price as 
a new D, (this was two years ago, I believe).  I have seen other after market 
soundboard replacements that would have dropped the price below the original 
condition older one.  
 Hope this helps,  
Ed Foote RPT

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