grand hinge pins

Greg Newell
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 10:17:21 -0400

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Clyde, Dave and list,
         I wasn't going to chime in on this thread but I thought that 
perhaps I had some extremely minor thing to contribute so here goes. I 
amlost always check for hinge pins too and I definitely always raise the 
lid to tune but mostly because I find tuning lever control is much better 
when I am closer to the handle following the string. See, I told you it was 
minor. :-)

Greg Newell

At 07:09 AM 4/20/2003, you wrote:

>I might have missed this, too, since the lid was already up.  If the
>grand piano lid is down when I arrive, I always put it up to tune, just
>to be able to mute the strings a little easier.  In the process I
>routinely tug it this way and that a little when it is up only a couple
>inches, just to make sure the hinge pins are there.  But as I said, in
>your case with the lid already up, I could have been fooled, too.

Greg Newell 

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