Bridge Construction Method

Greg Newell
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 21:10:46 -0400

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You guys are really too much!


At 09:05 PM 4/19/2003, you wrote:

>>Cool Del. I knew you'd come through. Thanks. Would it help also if I 
>>ground up a little of the original soundboard and mixed that in?
>>Terry Farrell
>No! You never want to use that old Magic Tone Wood in a bridge - even if 
>you do it on the North side of the shop, or any other place the sun don't 
>shine. It's dangerous. The continuous reciprocal magical reinforcement of 
>sound between the tone wood in the bridge, and that in the soundboard, 
>will accumulate in there until it backs up on you and blows out the bridge 
>pins. It could put somebody's eye out, and really messes up tuning stability.
>Ron N
>pianotech list info:

Greg Newell 

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