Rebuilding for Performance or Show?

Delwin D. Fandrich
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 18:31:59 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: "Farrell" <>
To: "Pianotech" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: Rebuilding for Performance or Show?

> Flexible keys? I had not heard of that. I have heard that on some 9'
pianos the keys are long enough to flex significantly on a hard blow. Is
this new since the 1930s? Did keys get smaller in cross section? Is this
related to overall lower string heights on some pianos?
Yes. They lost their bottom plates to make room for the half-round. This
detracted from the overall height of the key and, since the key is a
relatively simple end-loaded, center-supported beam, it lost a considerable
amount of stiffness.

And, no. I don't see how this would be related to the lower string height of
a piano.

> Spent several hours today sharpening hand plane blades. Took a little less
than one millimeter off the back side of my soundboard panel #1 the other
day. Let's just say its not a showroom job. Bit of an art this planing
thing. Funny how clear that is to me now. And I think I will make it a point
to have all the rising grain run the same way of individual boards next
panel also. Mix and not match makes for a bit of a challange!

Plane & learn, I always say.


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