Kimball console - Schwander action - butt springs

Isaac OLEG
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 12:02:36 +0200

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This is the method indeed (peeling some lengt of the inner thread)

Isaac OLEG

Isaac OLEG

Entretien et reparation de pianos.

17 rue de Choisy
94400 VITRY sur SEINE
tel : 033 01 47 18 06 98
fax : 033 01 47 18 06 90
cell: 06 60 42 58 77

  -----Message d'origine-----
  De : []De la
part de Tom Driscoll
  Envoye : dimanche 20 avril 2003 03:13
  A : 'Robin Blankenship'; 'Pianotech'
  Objet : RE: Kimball console - Schwander action - butt springs

  -----Original Message-----
  From: [] On
Behalf Of Robin Blankenship
  Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 5:49 PM
  Subject: Kimball console - Schwander action - butt springs

  Hi folks,

  Does anyone have any quick, handy advice for replacing the hammer butt
springs on a Schwander vertical action? That is, how to feed the cord
through the tiny holes.


  Robin Blankenship

  Southside Piano Service

  Matoaca, VA


                          Peel back the outer covering ,cut the "core" back
an inch , pull the covering back and C.A. glue the end . Trim to a point and
you will have made a Needle like end on your length of cord. Thread them
through and trim with a sharp razor blade. I hope this makes sense.

              Tom Driscoll RPT

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