Bridge Construction Method

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 14:43:33 -0500

> > I just KNEW there had to be a mechanism behind that, and there it is -
> > those pesky little vibrating discs. I'm surprised it doesn't happen with
> > higher frequency.
> >
> > Ron N
>Well, I don't know--they are, after all, somewhere in the vacinity of
>0.00003 to 0.00005 mm in diameter. Give or take....for the high-frequency
>stuff they might have to be smaller.

Or at least a pair or two of Polymorphic Heterodyne Resonator holes in the 
bass corner of the soundboard, to collect and direct the unwanted 
resultants to the South - barring spurious premature absorption or 
reflection by wrongly oriented glue joints. These would be easier to get 
and sell than smaller discs (and the secret formula disc shrinking varnish 
seems to keep evaporating before it can be fully tested), which is probably 
why there isn't a salesman's desk top demonstrator model of the benefits of 
tiny resonating membrane discs which, even though you can't see them, are 
so crucial to fine tone. They keep losing those tiny hammers used to 
activate the  little disc for the demo to, which tends to spoil the effect. 
Then, of course, there are the bats to contend with if the frequencies get 
too high. Best to not go looking for trouble, I suppose.

Ron N

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