Response on the Schulz mini player

Robert Goodale
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 07:51:13 -0700

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I forwarded the information and pics of the mini schulz player to Art =
Reblitz, a personal friend.  As some of you know Art is among the =
world's authority on the restoration and history of players and other =
mechanical music machines.  He has published an impressive number of =
papers, books and articles on the subject, (in addition to his famous =
piano tech book).  Art is a somewhat private individual and does not =
openly share his e-mail, address, or phone number so I will not disclose =

His brief response to the Schulz player is as follows:

The player (Recordo?) in a Schulz grand doesn't surprise me, but the =
73-note scale is very rare. It probably has little collectors' value.

Over the years I've seen one 65-note Aeolian upright made circa 1907, =
which looked just like a little player piano, and a Columbus Boudoir =
(sp?) piano---a perfectly proportioned upright player with a scale of =
approx. 56 keys. The player had been removed.=20

A lot of things were tried, but few had great commercial success, =
judging by how few remain.

Best regards,

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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