Is it real or a toy Baby Grand?
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 11:34:14 EDT

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Hello Ken,

    The  Schulz  and the Schultz are not 
the same Co.  I added the  T  in error.
    M. Schulz  and Otto  Schulz  are the same 
being Farther and Son.

     To my knowledge neither Schulz or Story
and Clark  had  the right to use  the name of 
"Tom Thumb".  The  only  Co. who  did  was 
Kohler & Campbell  who  built  the  61 note
 "Tom Thumb"  upright.  

   I own one of these little uprights that has
a  Recordo  player  in  it.  
  This piano will be displayed in the Foundation
Booth at  the  PTG  Convention  in  Dallas. 
   Most  but  not  all of  these little uprights  
were  players. 
Regards, to all
Jack Wyatt

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