Rib Alignment/Installation

Dave Nereson dnereson@dim.com
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 02:35:14 -0600

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Farrell=20
  To: Pianotech=20
  Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 5:01 AM
  Subject: Re: Rib Alignment/Installation

  Thanks for the info Dave. Did the dowel go completely through or =
partially through the rib and the panel? I'm in the process of using a =
combination of carpet tacks and bridge pins, but I'd like a full cache =
of ammunition.=20

  Terry Farrell
      I believe the dowels went all the way through the thinned rib ends =
and all the way through the board.  They had a little bowl of pre-cut =
dowels about 5/8" long (chopped-up hammer shanks) as they glued the ribs =
on. =20
      The ribs had all been pre-numbered to avoid mix-ups and they had =
been pre-fit to the board.  The board had a few "waves" (not perfectly =
flat) to it and they pre-fit the ribs to the board and marked any places =
where there would be a gap between board and rib (a "dip" in the board). =
 For these areas, they used 1/8" or maybe 1/4" shims on top of the rib, =
just for the length of the gap (usually only 2 or 3 inches or less).  =
Then the pneumatic hose of the rib press sat on top of the ribs and =
shims.  Where the shims were, it pressed a little harder, so to speak, =
to help close up those little voids, or gaps.  Worked great! =20
      They glued one rib at a time and as the air pressure was applied, =
the hose inflated, pressing the rib down and causing glue squeeze-out, =
which was cleaned up right away with damp rags and scrapers.   Air =
pressure was to be maintained on the press overnight.   I'm sure it came =
out nicely, but it was late and we all went home -- besides, all the =
donuts were gone.=20
      --David Nereson, RPT=20
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