Even balance weight or even something else, that'sthequestion.

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 18:26:26 +0200

Bill Ballard wrote:

> At 9:42 AM +0200 4/23/03, Richard Brekne wrote:
> >That is essentially what David Stanwood does. If you look again at
> >his last postings I think you will find he states that he
> >distributes his leads for each key evenly about the halfway mark
> >from the front of the key to the balance rail pin.
> I was frankly surprised to see him unveil it.
> Bill Ballard RPT
> NH Chapter, P.T.G.

Well, he didnt exactly explain just how to go about it all, but I
suppose its easy enough for anyone interested to figure out. Same
technique actually could be applied to distribute appropriate weights
around any point on the key as long as there is room for them. Which
means if someone wants to get REAALY creative with matching FW's and key
intertia, they could start by centering just a few weights out towards
the front in the bass, and gradually move towards a lot of weights
towards the center of the key at the treble... or in reverse order....
as long as we are being creative :)

For my part... I think planting them around the center works dandy.

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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