Why the Whippen ?

David C. Stanwood stanwood@tiac.net
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 17:48:41 -0400

>  I ran into the following picture following a link supplied by Calin in his
>last post of just a few minutes ago. And I couldnt help but think as I was
>looking at this, that it probably wouldnt be all that difficult to
>strengthen and improve the repetition device on this without really changing
>the basic design of the action. So I got to thinking....why NOT a two lever
>system... ??
>  --
>  Richard Brekne

Hey Richard,

If you could learn how to leave pictures on your web site with a link for
us to go to, it would be better for some of us... I got 16 pages of text
code the way you or Calin sent whatever image you just sent..

Warm Spring Regards,

David S

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