The market place - nip this before it starts

Keith Roberts
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 14:56:46 -0700

Due to the nature of the unity of the soundboard and bridge, you can't have
one without the other. Therefore the movement must occur simultaneously.
Such is the same with electricity. Does it flow from positive to negative or
the opposite? It actually flows both directions at the same time. As the
energy starts from one end, an equal and opposite energy action starts at
the other end. Energy is always conserved.
Keith Roberts

> >"Fact is, I still want to know the answer to what moves first, the bridge
> or the board.  Let's stay focused, please.  Thanks."
> Respectfully,
> David Skolnik>
> I agree!  Also, does the bridge pin play a part in this i.e. does it play
> part in transmitting the string vibrations to the bridge or is it there
> as a locating point?
> Regards
> Alan Forsyth
> Edinburgh
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