, place tech files on the web at

Bill Ballard
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 21:50:49 -0400

At 5:48 PM -0500 4/23/03, Kent Swafford wrote:
>When approved, a link to the file will be posted to pianotech.

How would that link be posted? Could it that link be concatenated to 
the body of the email with which it belongs. If not, it would be 
excessively clunky. Would we have a separate posting from the list's 
server for each graphic, telling us somehow which post it belonged 
with? I could put up with a double-clickable url such as in your post.

But I wonder why the majority of us who can read these files have to 
bend ourselves out of shape for a small minority. After all David 
hasn't complained of difficulty with any of the previous attached 
graphics. Heck, I've got a mac, and as much as I can tell it's some 
obscure pc file format, but both Eudora and Adobe Photoshop open it 
right up. May we could take an actual survey. Maybe we just need to 
limit attached graphics to the more common formats, say .jpeg or 
.bpm. Maybe the server software should be offering individual the 
choice of have graphics stay embedded when they're sent that way, or 
split off and attached separately.

>The first file, a picture of a, uh, fine action repair has been 
>uploaded and is ready for viewing at:

I recognize that, it's from the PTG Bench Test Study Guide! <g> 
Almost as noble at the chopped through grand backcheck leather I saw 
held together with scotch tape!

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"People sitting at computer screens slap their foreheads and pound 
keyboards frantically. A technical support representative wearing a 
telephone headset calmly asks, 'Have you tried re-formatting your 
hard drive?' "
     ...........from "The Trade Show Talk that Wasn't" by Stephen 
Manes, NYTimes 11/18/97

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