, place tech files on the web at

Richard Brekne
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 08:57:36 +0200

Kent Swafford wrote:

> On Wednesday, April 23, 2003, at 04:48  PM, David C. Stanwood wrote:
> >...leave pictures on your web site with a link for us to go to, it would
> be better for some of us... I got 16 pages of text  code >the way you or
> Calin sent whatever image you just sent.

I found no 16 pages of text in the archives attached to this post... fwiw

> OK, I think it may be time to do something about this.
> PTG has the technology to provide web space for pictures and other
> files of technical interest.
> And we know that large e-mails with attachments are problems for some.

The list already has a funtion for this and limits the size of
attachements. This << problem >> has nearly exclusively to do with the
archives. If we really have the technology (and I am sure we do) to do
something about it, why not address the actual problme instead of creating
a couple new ones ? I would suggest that all attachments, and all HTML
formating be stripped from the each mail before being sent to the archives.
That way, we could post reasonbly sized pictures as we have been for years
now, and solve a long standing problem with the archives at the same time.

Seems a lot easier then getting somebody to sift manually through all these
things, approve or dissaprove, and somehow mangage to re-establish a link
to the origional posting they were sent with. Not to mention the HTML
problem not being addressed by Kents suggestion.

I aggree that the archives should be cleaned up however. 100 %

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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