Key Button Wood

Bill Ballard
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 21:56:16 -0400

At 10:41 PM -0300 4/23/03, John Ross wrote:
>The one question I had about the article, was, I don't remember anything
>about the making of the hole in the button.
>Do you drill two holes, and use a chisel?
>That is what I was going to try. I always meant to contact you for the

John neatly started his article AFTER the buttons were made! I'm 
assuming the mortises were made with an over-arm router The bit 
diameter would need to be ground to specifications.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"A man who tells the truth is bound to be found out sooner or later."
     ...........Uncle Harry in "The Tailor of Panama"

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