Please help a church choose a new grand piano. Advice kindly requested.
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 10:23:14 EDT

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In a message dated 4/23/03 9:56:18 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Dear List,
>    There is a small church here seeking to buy a new
> grand piano for the sanctuary. 
>    The sanctuary will be well insulated and "climate
> controlled", but probably not at 42%,70 degrees F.
> year 'round. ( A range of 60 to 80 degrees F. is much
> more likely, down here in Georgia. ) And a complete
> Dampp Chaser system with the bottom cover will be
> added, I presume.
>    The maximum size limit is 6'6". The budgetary
> limit is $20,000.
>    So I humbly beseech of you all to kindly offer
> your advice on this matter. I will pass the e-mails on
> to the purchasing committee.
>    Most Sincerely,
>    Thank You!
>    Gordon


How big is the sanctuary, and on the average how many people attend? Also, is 
the piano to be used as the only source of music for the cogregation, or 
primarily to accompany the choir? Is this a "fundamental" church, with lots 
of loud music, and the piano is "banged", or a conservative church, where the 
piano is played? 

All of this can make a big difference in the type and size of piano to 


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