, place tech files on the web at

David C. Stanwood
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 12:20:37 -0400

>Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 09:08:19 +0200
>Below is an exact copy of the post David Stanwood complained about, as it was
>taken from the archives. This is hardly 16 pages, and both the image and the
>HTML coding has been stripped and filled with the URLs to each provided.
>If this is not what is being sent out in digest form for those who want to
>subscribe that way, then I have to wonder why not. Seems to me this would
>everyones problems nicely.

I'm  getting Digests and I use Eudora Light version 3.03.  In regards to
html.. I'm no expert on other programs but I think that it's just a
question of selectimg preferences for outgoing mail.

David S.

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