, place tech files on the web at

David C. Stanwood
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 09:11:17 -0400

To some of you who get digests with lots of html code and pages of code for
attachments.  Kent Swafford sent me this little tip and it worked like a
charm for me.  (I use Eudora 3.0 for e-mail):

>OK, as it turns out, there are options for the digest subscriptions, 
>and the default is to send _plain text_ digests. "MIME" digests are 
>available, which would likely send the graphics in a viewable form.
>Go to:
>At the bottom of the page, enter your pianotech e-mail address, press 
>the button that says "unsubscribe or edit options". Then you'll need 
>your password, which you can have sent to you from this page. When you 
>have logged in, scroll down to the digest format option and choose MIME 
>digests. Then hit the Submit My Changes button.
>See if that works, please.

It worked....  I would also add that if your sending a picture file, it's
nice if you can reduce file size before sending.  I do it in Photoshop by
making the image size 5 x 7 then using the "Save for Web" option.  They
will open faster and not put such a "bit burden" on the server etc.... and
the quality is fine for viewing with your browser...

Thanks Kent

David S.

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