, place tech files on the web at

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 09:02:46 -0500

>It works as follows:
>Attached tech files may be e-mailed to the following address:
>The files will be moderated, mostly to guard against corrupted and 
>otherwise technically problematic files.
>When approved, a link to the file will be posted to pianotech.

For continuity, the link should be sent back directly to the sender, rather 
than being posted to pianotech, so that the link and the message it is 
associated with appear at the same time and in the same email. Just like it 
would with an embedded photo or attachment, so anyone interested wouldn't 
have to hunt down and hand assemble two separate postings to get one.

Also, what is the proposed shelf life of the posted files? They would have 
to be considered as archives, I presume.

Ron N

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