Neil Young
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 11:47:44 EDT

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Was it a white piano?  Many years ago when I was a mover, I moved a white New 
York Steinway from his house into his studio so the band could record with 
it.  He lives out in the boonies near La Honda, CA, and it was quite a drive 
to get there, especially in the piano truck.

Had one of my most embarrassing moments during this undertaking:  while 
disassembling the piano, it was up on it's side with all but the right(top) 
leg removed.  Neil walked in and his manager says, "Dave, this is Neil."  I 
had been working on removing the lyre, and I straightened up rather abruptly 
to meet the star.  I saw stars, alright.  Don't think I've ever smacked my 
head so hard on anything as I did on that leg.  Injury and insult, all in one 
fell swoop.

Dave Stahl

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