Questions form a person soon to be new to the profession...
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 11:55:55 -0500

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For correspondence, the Potter course is by far the most complete, not cheap
but fairly comprehensive. The "American" course is a rip IMHO.
Ideally, you'd take the school training but also find someone to apprentice
with. Not easy to find, I suppose, but this would be ideal.

There are excellent residence schools but I'm not the one to recommend any.
If you can afford to attend one, I think it would be a fabulous start to the
biz. You can learn on your own but it ain't easy!

Mostly you need to find a piano or two or three (one upright, one grand, and
one spinet or drop action console would be ideal) on which you can really
spend some time learning, experimenting, etc.

Start attending PTG local meetings immediately and any regional & national
conventions you can get to. Ask about the PACE materials and other exam prep

Careful about grabbing just any old "tune your own piano" book. You'd be
amazed how tuning has progressed, in a scientific sense (including aural
tuning), compared to a lot of what is in print out there. Also, a book that
is not really comprehensive will just frustrate and confuse you.  There are
excellent books available through PTG and some come with the Potter course.

Don't know your circumstances, but you may not want to give up your day job
right away. It takes a while to learn enough to make money and it takes a
while to build a clientele. As to the latter, don't just put your name in
the phone book and wait for calls you have to work hard to get it going.
There are tips on this in Potter and a lot of real-world tips in the
pianotech archives ...

Have fun!

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

 -----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 11:30 AM
Subject: Questions form a person soon to be new to the profession...

  Questions form a person soon to be new to the profession...

  Hello I am preparing and investigating to get an education to become a
Registered piano technician...

  Hopefully, this will appropriate to ask here...

  If not please e-mail me off of the list...

  Is there a list online that rates or reviews the different Schools of
Piano Technology?

  What are some pointers on seeking the best education available?

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