Semi-log scale design

Bill Ballard
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 00:31:38 -0400

At 1:28 PM -0700 4/26/03, David Love wrote:
>  what is the basic
>technique when you lay out a new pattern on a newly made or laid out
>bridge to insure that the strings line up with the guide rails and such.

You're talking the damper guide rail, right? And a side to side shift 
in note spacing (alright, RH string in a trichord plain, LH bi-chord 
string in the bass) Which would get shifted because the 
notching/pinning on the bridge was shifted. How much room would be to 
shift (especially if the speaking length was being held steady)? 
3/16"? Certainly not 1/4". Divide that by 7 or at the most 8 (the 
fraction of the entire speaking length that is the distance from the 
'graph to the damper wire) and you don't have much to worry about. 
Easily fixed with a little wire bending.

Maybe I've misread the entire question, but I don't see where the 
error is going to develop which will be significant at the DGR.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"I gotta go ta woik...."
     ...........Ian Shoales, Duck's Breath Mystery Theater

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