Semi-log scale design

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 12:39:14 -0500

>>  what is the basic
>>technique when you lay out a new pattern on a newly made or laid out
>>bridge to insure that the strings line up with the guide rails and such.
>Maybe I've misread the entire question, but I don't see where the error is 
>going to develop which will be significant at the DGR.
>Bill Ballard RPT

True, the damper guide rail is probably not going to be a problem, but the 
"and such" needs looked at too. Alignment to hitch pins, unison spacing, 
relative alignment of string segments fore and aft, relocating hitch pins 
if you are of a mind, and the like. If you just go laying out a bridge 
without some sort of reference for alignment or correction, your work might 
not be as well appreciated as you'd like - or no one would notice at all.

Ron N

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