To incorporate or not.

Sun, 27 Apr 2003 17:29:54 -0400

My understanding in very broad terms is that having a corporation, you are protected from most lawsuits. However, if it can be shown that you purposely and knowingly did some bad thing, then there would be avenues for a personal lawsuit. 

Basically, if you are on the up-and-up and trying to do the best you can and something goes wrong - you are protected from personal lawsuits if you are working for a corporation.

Terry Farrell
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan Forsyth" <>
To: "Pianotech" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 4:53 PM
Subject: To incorporate or not.

> >>That is, even if it is insured, the insurance company could decide to come
> after you and take the money out of your hide (and house, car, tools,
> etc....).  >
> So what's the point of insurance then?  Are you talking about one's own
> insurance or the customer's insurance?
> Seems to me that life is too short for all that paperwork!
> Regards
> AF
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