To incorporate or not.

Scott Pickett
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 17:37:21 -0600

It's simple, really.  If the customer is insured and the insurance company
pays them for the loss, the insurance company can then go after the
individual who 'caused' the loss.  If that person is insured, then they'll
attempt to recoup the money from the 'causers' insurance company.  If the
'causer' lacks sufficient insurance (or any insurance), they may choose to
go after other assets to cover the loss.

However, so far as I am aware, this kind of thing happens when the
liabilities are really high - say in an automobile accident.

So, let me re-iterate; yer gonna hafta sit down with your accountant and
really crunch some numbers.  If this dame is as sharp as you say, then
you'll find out quickly which is the best way for you to jump.

Bonne chance...

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