Key Button Replacement

David M. Porritt
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:45:33 -0500

The 2000 - 2002 Journal CD-rom should be available for purchase by
convention time this summer.


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On 4/28/2003 at 6:28 AM Farrell wrote:

>I read John Hartman's March 2001 article on key button replacement.
>does not appear that the article addresses how to accurately cut the
>oblong hole for the center rail pin. How do you do that?
>I have searched high and low and cannot find the April 2001 issue
that has
>the second half of the key button article. Does anyone have it that
>be willing to scan it and email it to me? I would be forever
>Terry Farrell
>pianotech list info:

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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