Key Button Replacement

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 12:15:59 -0500

>That sounds better and more simple. What size bit are you using - 7/32" 
>for a 0.146" center pin? Do you have a recommendation for a good place to 
>find odd diameter bits?
>Terry Farrell

I'm not. I haven't had to tool up to make key buttons - so far. That's just 
the way I would do it if I did. I've routed airways in player stacks, loud 
pedal and rewind pneumatics, and valve blocks this way, and it works quite 
well. Start with industrial and woodworking supply houses. If you can't 
find what you want specifically, for your firstborn, a local machinist can 
grind what you want from an existing slightly oversized bit.

Ron N

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