Key Leads and Inertia

David C. Stanwood
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 18:26:09 -0400

>Any method that measures U and D weights is still measuring static 
>friction. Adding the extra weight to the hammer just increases the 
>static weight that is common to the DW and UW formulas. Not sure what 
>the reasoning to keep the jack under the knuckle is.



During acceleration the parts are thrown against each other as they resist
being moved so the normal force between rubbing surfaces is increased along
with friction.  Adding say a 50 gram weight to the hammer creates a similar
situation so that one could at least get a feeling for the increase of
friction during playing..  I can't imagine a jack will return under the
knuckle with a 50 gram weight on the hammer so I suggest tying down the
jack to maintain similar friction with U & D Wt.  

David S.

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