Petrof Sticking Keys
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 20:03:12 EDT

In a message dated 4/28/03 1:34:03 PM, writes:

>I would like to know if other Petrof pianos in general have been known
>to have tight key bushings which start to stick easily if there is moisture
>at all in the home.

I have worked for a Petrof dealer for 2 years now and this is not an uncommon 
problem.  I'd say about half of my service calls are related to this issue, 
and it's almost always the balance rail key bushing.  Before we send a Petrof 
into the home, we check all the balance rail key bushings by lifting the key 
about an inch, and if it doesn't fall back into place, that bushing gets 
eased.  In spite of this preventive measure, I still end up easing keys in 
the field.  

Tom Sivak

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