Neil Young

Richard Moody
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 22:52:27 -0500

> >I'm surprised he is traveling with a big grand. Good to hear
> >actually (pun intended). For years he would do shows with an
> >totally beat up upright. Don't know exactly what it was, but
> >thing had no front and looked like he dragged it out of a
> >I wondered at the time about doing his tuning - wouldn't be
> >surprised if he requested some kind of not-so-well temperament
> >tuning!
> >
> >Terry Farrell
> Indeed, I 'tuned' the thing when he was in Sydney some years
ago. An
> amazing 'bucket of bolts' to be sure.
> Ron O.
> --

It seems once (at one gig) the old upright was not to be tuned,
but then another time it was.   But that goes back at least to the
"Rust Never Sleeps" tour in the SF Bay Area in  the early 80's
      Anyhow the reason I heard for the beat up old upright on
Neil Young's stage was that it was the piano he wrote his first
song on, or his child hood or early days piano and he wanted to
keep it as he remembered it.   ---rm

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